Nearly a month after IE & Firefox released there new browsers. which one is safer.
After some tests the results are out and the fox seems to have an upper hand when it comes to phising protection. Just another reason you should consider making the fox your browser of choice, this is nothing new to firefox users since historically firefox has had superior security. IE users might argue that they have the speed advantage, in this world we live in of identity theft and all that I will take security over speed anyday.
Just to give you another choice i have a few friends who have suggested opera I checked it out and its full of very intere sting features, if you are a IE user this might sound strange, what do you mean by features? well once you try other browsers out you will be suprised at the number of functions you can add to your browser.
On the same note I tried out IE7 but there was nothing on it to make me move over it just looked like a poor copy of my fox, not to worry though my machine is up for reformatting around december gotta clean out that registry and i havent seen a reason to make me put back IE 7. Happy thanksgiving.