If you are running your own FTP server you know how irritating it is to keep going through your logs and see them filled up with brute force attack attempts. I have VSFTP running and i found a way to go around this i was having nearly 80k to 100k attempts a day, it was very frustrating to see all this crackers from china and whearever wasting my cpu time, so i did some checking on confguring vsftp on default it checks for all usernames provided and the password on all atempts but by adding userlist_deny=NO to the config file and creating a userlist, any attempt with an illegal usernmae is denied access without the option of entering a password. After that restart vsftp, I haven’t had a single succesful attempt since then my logs changed showing from 80k attempts to 0 now i can rest easy and move on with peace on my mind.